Little Brownie Bakers is an official licensed baker of Girl Scout Cookies® and creator of the much-loved (and super yummy!) Samoas® cookie. From engaging and inspiring the entrepreneurs who sell Girl Scout Cookies to enticing the customers that support them, we are involved in the annual marketing strategy that is offered to Girl Scout Councils served by Little Brownie Bakers.
In collaboration with the Little Brownie Bakers team, we design and develop an annual campaign to encourage participation and communicate the power of the Girl Scouts Cookie Program, bringing it to life through a full suite of marketing, sales and training materials.
Besides supporting volunteers, Girl Scouts and their families in the program, we also play an integral role in connecting consumers to Girl Scout Cookies and growing their fan base on social media. We deliver engaging, original content—we video, animate, photograph and even bake Instagram-worthy treats in studio! The results have been outstanding, we’ve grown followers across all platforms organically and enjoy high engagement rates year-round—quite an achievement for a product that is only available for a limited period each year!